Currently (10/24/2011):
• Working hard towards releasing my very first instructional DVD entitled Texas Blues Guitar. It's over 9 hours in length complete with a downloadable 60+ page e-book, audio examples, and fully transcribed bonus solos! I'm glad to finally have it finished and almost ready to distribute to the public!
• (July 2011) After over 50 hours of recording, filming, transcribing, designing, and playing my guitar, my new guitar instructional course on Texas Blues Guitar is finally finished. Now I wait while everything is edited, polished, and manufactured for public distribution. Woo-hoo!!!
• Thanks to Nick Mininon from, Delatorro McNeal II at, Dan Miller at, and countless others, I am now a part-time professional guitar teacher working my way towards teaching full-time and meeting my goals of financial independence by creating my own means of income.
• Being approached to do various guitar work for extra income, thus helping me further fulfill my dream of making a living playing guitar.
• Playing as Lead Vocalist and Guitarist in the Bluegrass band Wilder Mountain (formerly known as Grassphalt). Check us out on my YouTube page in the "Playlists" section at the top right of my profile page.
• Also playing in a Bluegrass Gospel band called Life's Pathway, a band consisting of my family. We are in the process of beginning a CD of our own. The last recording we made together was way back in 1995 and we're excited to get started on another project for our own personal enjoyment ... that and because we're much better musicians now than we were then :)
• Constantly creating and posting video on my main YouTube page as well as a newly-created YouTube page collaborated with me and my brother: